Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On the Nose

Peachy's nose also knows.
It's not often that I get really excited about something. But I had occasion this week to get, well, really excited about something.

Imagine you are walking down a street in an eclectic, artsy neighborhood that you stumbled upon quite by accident. As you take in your surroundings, you start to feel the creative juices flowing for the first time in a very long time. You feel excitement building--like you might be on the verge of a great idea or epiphany, of sorts. Then, as you round the corner, you find yourself standing face to face with, oh, let's say, Brad Pitt (sans Angelina and the kids). Brad (because you're on a first-name basis now) invites you to join him for coffee at a cool off-the-beaten-path cafe, where the two of you sit for the next several hours conversing about everything from art and literature to science and philosophy. That would be a great day, right? An occasion to get excited?

My day was kind of like that--only better. You see, I got an email from Jasper Fforde who told me the great news that I won his USA Spot the Dog Competition! And before you start in with, "Who is Jasper Fforde?", "What is a 'Spot the Dog' competition", and "Let's get back to Brad Pitt," please allow me to explain.

As a writer, I find few things more exciting than meeting or interacting with other writers--particularly those whom I really, really, really admire. Meeting writers is, for me, like meeting Brad Pitt or [insert favorite actor's name here] might be for somebody else. If you don't believe me, feel free to ask my husband about how I turn to goo every time I stand on-line at a David Sedaris book signing.

But for the last few years, my jam-packed work schedule has prevented me from doing much, if any, pleasure reading. A friend recently introduced me to Jasper Fforde's series of Thursday Next books, and then promptly gave me a box set. My intention was to "skim" the first novel in the group and then do what I always do when I have no time to read: Set it on my bedside table to use as a coaster. Fortunately, it wasn't meant to be. By the time I had finished the first paragraph, I was a fan. (Note to all you authors out there: It's never too late to amass new fans.)

Fforde's book reminded me of why I wanted to be a writer to begin with. Quirky, witty, and incredibly original, I was not only completely taken by his prose, but also keenly aware that the cogs in my own creative machine--which hadn't stopped but had definitely slowed--were starting to churn again. I felt renewed inspiration--the dawn of excitement you feel deep inside when ideas and possibility start speed dating and turning up at the same parties again. I know you creative folks out there know all about it.

Fast forward to now. Well, actually, to three weeks ago. I was hanging out at when I had the good fortune to see that he was running a USA Spot the Dog Competition: an invitation to examine clues on a photograph and guess the location of the nose of his little dog named Ozzy, whose image had been purposely digitally removed. I entered the competition on a whim. 

Wouldn't you know it, but yesterday I received an email from none other than Jasper himself ('cause we're on a first-name basis now; in my world, we're on a first-name basis) congratulating me on my "extraordinary achievement": I located Ozzy's nose spot on. My prize (which I will post here the moment it arrives in my hot little hands) is an "extra special" first-signed USA paperback of TN6 with the TNU144 'First Signed' stamp. (If you want to know what all of that means and why it's so freaking special, you have to click on the links.)

So, there you have it. A very good day for me. Call me a book nerd, geek extraordinaire, literary drip.  I'm fine with it. And by the way, Brad Pitt's got nothing on these guys. 



  1. So awesome! I love Jasper Fforde and am always delighted to learn of other fans. And congrats on winning this contest--I would have never guessed the dog's actual location! Have you read his Nursery Crime series (the Fourth Bear and the Big Over Easy)? I also enjoyed his newest novel, Shades of Grey.

  2. Very cool. I love finding a new author too, although it's been years (think pre-children) since I've had time for pleasure reading. And I can relate to the gaga factor. Years ago I was bummed because I lost out on the opportunity to meet Charles Shultz in person, but to this day I cherish a signed Peanuts book that a co-worker graciously obtained for me. And as for Brad Pitt, never met him, but he did drop out of my alma mater a few years after I graduated!
